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Fridays 7pm

Sundays | 9:45am Preservice | 10:20am Main Service

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Get to know Who we are. What we believe. And why we live a surrendered life

SHANAH CITY is a dynamic, growing spiritual community. We invite you to experience the best couple of hours of your week this Sunday. Come enjoy uplifting music and relevant, life-changing messages from our pastor, ZAQ Nombre. His messages are designed to help you with real-life issues throughout your week. SHANAH CITY is a friendly church, and whether you are just checking out “church” or you are a committed follower of Christ, you will be warmly welcomed.

Our core values guide how we achieve our mission, influence our major leadership decisions, and lead our everyday ministry plans. Our core values help us navigate staffing and budget issues. In short, they keep us focused on the unique call God has given us.
We believe followers of Christ should be like their Christ, in a way that we embody the virtues of love, kindness, patience, compassion, humility, long-suffering, peace, forbearance, discipline, and diligence as exemplified by Jesus Christ.
We believe the church should operate with a spirit of excellence. This glorifies and honors Christ in all that we do.
We believe in servanthood as a full devotion to Jesus Christ. This includes caring for the widows, homeless, orphans, believers and unbelievers, and the elderly. Through the enablement of the Spirit, we work on meeting their physical as well as spiritual needs.
We believe, as followers of Christ, humility is essential in our walk with Christ. Our humility is grounded in the nature of Christ who came to serve mankind and submitted to do the will of the Father. 
We believe the root of transformation in individuals’ lives and the church lies in teaching the unaltered word of God. 
We believe the church should operate in an environment of respect. Despite our differences as sons and daughters, we should come together to worship and serve the body of Christ with their spiritual gifts. 
We believe loyal and loving relationships should permeate the church, workplace, family, and guide our interaction in the world.

For us, living the surrendered life means victory over every hindrance the enemy sends our way in our walk with Christ. The surrendered life is walking away, giving up, or laying down anything in us that is not pleasing to Him, enabling us to be fully develop into the image and likeness of Christ. The surrendered life begins when we realize that our life is meaningless without Jesus Christ and there is nothing we can do to save our souls, except to trust wholeheartedly in Jesus Christ who came to die to save us. It is relinquishing control, yielding ourselves to God in every aspect of our lives for His will. Jesus is the perfect example of the surrendered life, “For I have come down from heaven, not to do My own will, but the will of Him who sent Me” – John 6:38. Not our will, but your will Lord!